While the consultation and procedure may be received on the same day, some men will schedule the procedure after the consultation to ensure confidence in their choice.
Before Vasectomy:
Inform your physician of any anti-coagulation or blood thinning medications that you are taking prior to scheduling the procedure.
Shave the underside of the penis and the front wall of the scrotum the day before the procedure.
Shower the day of the procedure
Avoid the use of powder or deodorant in the genital area on the day of the procedure.
Wear snug fitting underwear or a jockstrap to ease discomfort and protect the area.
If possible, arrange to have someone drive you home.
Plan to recline at home on a bed or sofa on the afternoon and evening of the vasectomy.
Eat a normal breakfast or lunch before your procedure to avoid becoming lightheaded during or after the procedure.
Following Vasectomy
Relax and stay off your feet through the evening following the procedure.
Showering is acceptable starting the morning after the procedure.
One day following the procedure, patients may walk and drive as much as they'd like, but sport activities, yard work, swimming or heavy lifting is not recommended.
Day two following the procedure, patients may return to work and regular activities wearing scrotal support. Once the tenderness has subsided, patients may return to the gym or other strenuous activities, but gradually build usual routines over the next week.
Avoid heavy lifting for a week.
Once pain and tenderness subsides, post-surgical patients may ejaculate. The American Urological Association recommends that men wait one week.
A follow up visit is not required unless the patient has concerns or questions.
Skin may be discolored (black and blue) around the puncture area a day or two following the procedure. Some men develop considerable discoloration of the scrotum four days following the vasectomy, but the discoloration will gradually dissipate.
8-12 weeks following the vasectomy, a semen test needs to be brought to the lab to ensure that it no longer contains sperm and that it is thereby safe to discontinue alternate forms of contraception. Until then, the couple needs to use some other form of contraception.
Patients should call our office immediately if they notice any of the following:
· Difficulty urinating
· Increased redness, swelling or drainage from the incision
· Fever (101 degrees or greater) or chills
Ready to get started? Contact us today at 801.475.3160 or request an appointment online.